Thursday, December 8, 2016

So That We May Be Gathered and Made Whole Once Again

O Cosmic birther of all Radiance and Vibration

Soften the Ground of Our Being
And Carve Out a Space Within Us Where Your Presence can Abide

Fill Us With Your Creativity So That We May Be Empowered to Bear the Fruit of Your Mission

Let Each of Our Actions Bear Fruit in Accordance With Your Desire

Endow Us with the Wisdom to Produce and Share what Each Being Needs to Grow and Flourish

Untie the Tangled Threads of Destiny that Binds Us
As We Release Others From the Entanglement of Past Mistakes

Do Not Let Us be Seduced by What Would Divert Us From our True Purpose
But Illuminate the Opportunities of the Present Moment

For You are the Ground and the Fruitful Vision
The Birth
Power and Fulfillment
As all is Gathered and Made Whole Once Again

I can say the first time a friend showed me this translation of the Lord's Prayer I was completely overcome by emotion. It vibrates the deep love that resides in our center being, expanding it, shattering any walls that block our hearts from giving and receiving unconditional and divine love.

This prayer asks the Creator, the Source of life and love to help us, to allow us to be drawn closer to the love and protection, that is so very abundant when our complete reliance is on the Divine.

This prayer also reminds how important it is to attract to ourselves what we desire through our thoughts and actions. As well as when opportunities arise we are able to see them and take hold. Teaching us to stay present.

Forgiving ourselves and others is extremely important for the health of our energetic and physical being, it releases us from a negative cycle that seeks to destroy our happiness, our serenity.

By the end of the prayer we are reminded how grand the creator is. The Ground and fruitful vision. Representing the real reality we want to create. The birth or manifestation of that vision into our reality. The power and fulfillment, which suggests how grand our creator is and how nothing is to great, or to much, abundance flows infinitely from the heavens.
As we are gathered and made whole we realize that we are all connected to each other and the Universe, we are love and we are loved.

Love and Light


Monday, December 5, 2016

Well, Is It a Conspiracy?

There are so many conspiracy theories out there, so many
It's hard to tell who's who and what's what
Who is right Who is wrong and why
Well what if these theories are only created as a distraction
To distract away from what is really important
Our true purpose


When giving this so called "information" your attention
We also give it power
These theories are created so that we can make sense of the evil in the world
Genuinely, we want to change it
But it is only a distraction from our inner voice

By concentrating on these things we are relinquishing our power to them
Just think about the feeling when reading or hearing about these things
The anger, frustration the deep sadness
Are we not creating a cloud of negative energy around us?

So by letting these things bring us into a negative state they have already done what was needed

Lowering your vibration

Instead when hearing these things send those people, beings LOVE
They have forgotten who they are they have forgotten that they as well as you were created
out of love
Remind them what it feels like to be one with all creation, to be connected

Even Demons are Angels who forgot Love
So being in a loving state yourself is the only way to show every being who they really are, which is love
It is important to stay surrounded with positive energy regardless of what is going on around you

We can only conquer darkness with light
By staying in your own positive energy you are conquering darkness

Remember that all of us will be judged
The source of all creation is watching and knows who loves and who does not
and will act accordingly


Send them love
That is what they need to be reminded of love
When doing this we also remind ourselves that we are beings made of love

Friday, December 2, 2016

Be Honest with Yourself

Follow your true feelings about every situation
Your intuition
No one has the answers for you they all come from within

Continue to heal your relationships
Allowing the heart chakra to open wider and wider
Forgive those who have done unloving things
They are the ones who need love the most
Heal your relationship with yourself
Forgive yourself you are on a journey back to love
Back to the source, the source of love and all creation
No need to rush, one step at a time

As you strengthen your relationship with the universe with the source
The relationships around you will also strengthen and heal
Remember the end result of what you desire
Only you can attract that very thing to yourself through the law of attraction

Then the changes that are necessary to occur will
Embrace these changes, they will rid you of anything that is blocking you

Remember who you are and what you stand for

Light and Love

Monday, November 28, 2016

You and Purity

Every moment is your moment
You are free to do whatever makes you happy
There is no judgement in your moment
There is no rejection
Your moment is pure
You are pure
You are beautifully you

Breathe life and love in everything you do
Then be that life
Be that love

Open up to the heavens pouring love onto your soul
Open up to the light
Open up to the abundance the Universe has provided
All that you need
All you could ever want
Right there waiting for you to grab a hold of

Just reach out

Reach out and take what you need
Then give to others what they need

Help them take that next step through life
Help them lift themselves up from the mud the dirt and all things heavy

Destroy the illusions so they can see the light
So they can breathe in the love
So they can be free
Free to be in the light