Saturday, May 30, 2020

I bet you never thought

I bet you never thought
That it would end this way
That I would back away
I bet you never thought
Your reign would end
And I would never come back in
I bet you never thought
That it was you that pushed me away
Even today
I bet you never thought 
That I'm the strong one
As my power grew brighter and brighter
You grew dim
I bet you never thought 
That my light would be so bright
That my mind would be so sharp
I bet you never thought 
That I turned out to be in the light
And it's been you sitting in the darkness 
I bet you never thought 
That I would turn away
And be aware of your ways
I bet you never thought 
The sharpness of the pain
As you watch me, I walk away
I bet you never thought 
That you would be reading this and weeping

Sunday, May 17, 2020

why didn't I

Why didn't I 
Ask when you were there
Why didn't i 
think of it
To spend more time 
To connect
To grab you while you were there 
Why didn't I 
Hug you tighter 
Flirt deeper
Pull harder
Why didn't I 
Let you know that your the one I want
The one on my level 
Why didn't I 
Taste you touch you while you there 
Why didn't I 
Bring you closer to those deep spaces
Why didn't I 
Ensure that I would see your face again
Feel you again
Why didn't I 
Seize the moment
Why didn't I 
Hold my breath and face my fear
Why didn't I 
Seize the moment
Hold your beauty
Why didn't I 
Will I 
Is it
To see you again
Why didn't I
Just let you in
Why didn't I 
Because if I had
I wouldn't sit here in regret
Why didn't I 

Monday, May 11, 2020

On our path

On our path 
We are always protected
On our path
Our feet are always guided 
On our path 
There may be ups and downs 
On our path
The cycle will always end 
On our path 
We may encounter the darkest of nights
On our path
The light will always follow 
While we are
On our path
We are the creators 
On our path
In stillness do not wallow