Sunday, May 17, 2020

why didn't I

Why didn't I 
Ask when you were there
Why didn't i 
think of it
To spend more time 
To connect
To grab you while you were there 
Why didn't I 
Hug you tighter 
Flirt deeper
Pull harder
Why didn't I 
Let you know that your the one I want
The one on my level 
Why didn't I 
Taste you touch you while you there 
Why didn't I 
Bring you closer to those deep spaces
Why didn't I 
Ensure that I would see your face again
Feel you again
Why didn't I 
Seize the moment
Why didn't I 
Hold my breath and face my fear
Why didn't I 
Seize the moment
Hold your beauty
Why didn't I 
Will I 
Is it
To see you again
Why didn't I
Just let you in
Why didn't I 
Because if I had
I wouldn't sit here in regret
Why didn't I 

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