Saturday, July 11, 2020

And they were

And they were gathered all together, huddled together deep in thought, 
Wondering how it could be, how possibly love had escaped them, wondering how they ended up here in this space, this empty, dark space all together. 
They wondered, what does it mean and why is it so dark? 
How could a light so bright just fizzle and die. 
Will it come back? Will we see it in this dark space? Is there hope? 
While they were sitting and thinking and wondering, a little firefly flitted by. Most had their heads down staring at the dark cold ground, but a few others, a very few held their heads high and were looking towards the sky. In that moment they knew yes there is hope yes, I will leave this place, out of the dark into the light once more. And their hearts grew happy and light and so they started to look for signs to determine the best way out. 
They looked to the others who were still sitting with their heads bowed low to the ground an and they told them that they had seen a firefly, however the others wouldn't believe them, they wouldn't even look up. 
So the few came together and started to share ideas on how to get out of that dark place, and the more ideas they shared their hearts began to glow brighter and brighter until eventually another firefly flitted by. 
So now there were two fireflies hanging about over their heads. 
They again told the others, but the others didn't believe or even care to listen and they kept their heads bowed low to the dark ground. 
So the few came together and shrugged and continued sharing and their hearts grew brighter and brighter, and in a moment they looked up and there were dozens of fireflies flitting about above them. They were amazed and happy and they realized they were the ones creating those little lights. 
So this time they decided to let the others stare at the ground in darkness,  in hope that they will start to see the ground light up and look up to the sky. 
So again the few came together and started communicating, sharing ideas, sharing emotions, experiences and traumas, and the light in the room eventually became so bright that the walls and the floor and the ceiling were glowing and there were too many fireflies to count flitting about around them. 
They again looked at the others, but although the entire space was glowing they still were sitting with their heads bowed low to the ground. 
The few felt sad for them but they rationalized that eventually they will raise their heads if they just kept doing what they were doing. 
Some time passed and by now the room was so bright that they could see a door, a way out, and they were so happy and surprised for they had completely forgotten that they wanted to get out. 
They looked back at the others and a few started to raise their heads and follow, some tried to get them to stop, and a few listened but some got up and joined the few and their hearts started glowing as well. 
They all started to walk to the door and the first few opened it into a magical place where anything was possible and they walked through the door. Some others hesitated but eventually walked through and then others grew fearful and only stood at the door looking, but would not go through and then there were others still sitting on the floor with their heads bowed low to the ground. 

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